As the Director of I.T.S., I am heartly thankful to all respected Principals and teachers throughout Maharashtra, that you are fully co-operative with us in all kinds of tasks of I.T.S Only because of your co-operation ITS has been working successfully from last 16 years. We have been arranging G.K. Competitive exams, Handwriting improvement session, summer camp, personality development camp, Health development camp and cultural development programmes for the overall development of students. The I.T.S. networking is throughout Maharashtra.
To develop the `Vision` of Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam it is very necessary to provide the required educational facilities to the students of rural and urban area for their bright future. we are very proud of your state level response for the I.T.S. exam.
As per the exam Reformation Committee 2015, We have changed our syllabus and Exam pattern. Now I.T.S. exam will be according to MPSC and. We have studied the exam systems of many school, colleges, universities, State Govt., Central Govt. and other educational institutions and we`ve accepted this very effective exam pattern for student`s development, Students may achieve the perfect way of overall knowledge development through this exam pattern. We have developed this ideal exam pattern by the direct and indirect help of 1027 teachers from the various schools of Maharashtra. Such kind of exams were never before ; this is the historic effort for the first time in Maharashtra.Hence, I request all of the Hon. Principals and teachers, please prepare your Students for I.T.S. Exam. Encourage them to prepare this exam and let them be the scholarship holders. Please give them mental strenght and be participate with us.