Every students will take price of ( Rs.2100 marathi / Semi medium) scholarship and special Achievement certificate if he/she may in the list of 300 toppers throughout Maharashtra.
The 1st, 2nd, 3rd students at district level will get serially Rs. 1001, 701, 301 and also a medal and achievement Certificate from every district in Maharashtra.
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd student at Taluka level will get trophy & achievement Certificate.
All participated students in this exam will gate grade wise certificates. Result will be declared within 45 days after this exam.
All the Head of department (Competitive Examination) will be give 15% amount of the collected fee it will be a processing and expenditure amount for teachers send us only 85% amount.
For the rechecking of marks students can apply within 15 days of the result. It will be declared within 20 days.
If there are more than one students`s getting equal marks, we will final by their marks in marathi, English, Current Events & Science Serially to final the merit list.